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Animation of woman smoking and laughing

Mona Lis

How do you get someone to stop scrolling their facebook feed without using a video of kittens or puppies?

“Mona Lis” is a euphoric exploration of beauty in pain. Sean Blake HTF and I set out to create a teaser video for the song – with absolutely zero budget.

As a collaborative effort, Sean and I ventured into the endless world of vintage public domain video footage. There is so much of it (good and bad), you could spend a lifetime going through the stuff. It felt like we did.

We cut together footage from old sci-fi flicks, full-length feature films that were actually elaborate propaganda against drinking and drugs, and even a burlesque video!

Watch it:

The cover art for the song seeks to capture the surreal, cinematic after-effects of alcohol.

Cover artwork for single “Mona Lis” by Sean Blake HTF

The cover for “Mona Lis” was a collaborative effort by Sean Blake HTF and Two Can Win.

You can check out the full song on SoundCloud, or listen to it on your favourite streaming platform.